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Preparing for Kindergarten through Social Emotional Development!

Teaching the most important skill for life-long success:


Preschool: 30 months to 5 years.  We Provide the following at all locations.



  • Smaller Classrooms with more individualized attention

  • Social Emotional Curriculum with Conscious Discipline

  • STEAM as a vital part of your child's education

  • Kindergarten readiness with hands-on learning through a Play Based Philosophy

  • Inclusion through cultural awareness and diversity

  • Daily Communication with Parents through our Brightwheel App.

  • We Welcome Special Dietary and Potty Training Needs

  • We Provide Healthy Meals & Snacks


Social Emotional Guidance with Conscious Discipline

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behavior and reactions.  Self-regulation is important for development and helps children with learning and social skills vital for their success. By talking about feelings and role-modelling, children learn how to express themselves in a healthy way.

Research shows, classrooms using Conscious Discipline indicates positively influences classroom quality and children’s executive function skills.  

Meaningful Curriculum Through STEAM & Play Based Learning 

Meaningful curriculum is planned with intention and developmental appropriate practice and activities in mind.  Kindergarten Readiness Standards are met with hands on learning through STEAM, Literacy & Dramatic Play.  Our environment allows children to explore and invites curiosity, discovery, and love of learning. 


Building Trusting Relationships with Children & Families

Building trusting relationships with children and families is the first thing teachers and directors focus on with each family.  Only after trust is gained and earned can love of learning and family support begin. Our programs encourage positive nurturing relationships which we believe are the foundation of healthy growth and development for early childhood


Health & Safety as our Top Priority

Our State Certified Homes have always followed strict guidelines for Cleaning and Sanitation.  Dirty toy bins, sanitizing toys and disinfecting changing tables has always been apart of our daily routine.  With the Pandemic, we have made our cleaning process even more frequent and regulated to provide a safe and healthy environment to protect children, families and staff.


Check Out Your Child's Day Through our Brightwheel App

Our Brightwheel software allows for caregivers teachers and parents to communicate through out the day giving parents piece of mind knowing they are only one message away from their little one.  Changing a pick up time or giving a reminder when your child last ate provides confidence that your infant is receiving personal attention while in care.

Field Trips and Outdoor Discovery

Using open space to fulfill basic childhood needs like jumping, running and climbing, is what childhood is all about! Children need the opportunity to explore the unknown, the unpredictable, and the adventurous. They also need to learn to appreciate their natural environment. We provide many opportunities for discovery on walks, playing outside and field trips.


Inclusion, Diversity & Cultural Awareness

Diversity and Cultural Awareness brings opportunities for staff to create healthy, inclusive learning environments.  Children celebrate differences and see them as strengths.  We have a no expulsion policy and families understand, that children with challenging behaviors promote empathy in those around them. We support Equity in our environment and believe all children deserve a wonderful place to learn and call home. 


© 2020 by Toni Woods.  Proudly created with

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